Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Link Post Website

Internet technology has made a rapid progress. Internet has many functions. One of them is that it has become a medium for introducing the products of a company. The products can include goods and services. By using internet, the advertising can reach a larger range of consumers with cheaper costs. Recently there has been a tendency for many companies to use blog advertising to advertise their products. This advertising can be in the form of pay per click advertising, text link ads, or paid review.

Many online companies have run paid review programs. One of them is Link Post. This online company serves as a broker who connects advertisers and bloggers. In one side, advertisers want to introduce their products through a review. In the other side, bloggers want to get income by writing reviews for advertisers. This advertising system is easy to do. To sum up, this program is advantageous for advertisers and bloggers. For advertisers, they will get a buzz, get good quality backlinks, and increase their traffic, which will in turn increase the selling volume of their products. For bloggers, they will get money from blogging. Many bloggers have become full bloggers, which means that they earn a living from their blogging activities.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Help Desk Software

Internet technology has developed very rapidly. This sophisticated technology makes many aspects of life run more easily. Information can be obtained very fast, online shopping can be done in a very short time, advertising can reach a broader target, and so on. The number of websites also increases day by day, month by month, and year by year. Designing and creating a website is not as difficult as it used to be. A website is used for many purposes: for business, for self-expression, for community gathering, etc. If you have a website and want to develop your website, maybe you need help desk software. This software runs with a MySQL database. The name of the help desk script is “Hesk”. You can download the script from the website. It is free but secure. This script is also easy to use and simple. Hesk was written by Klemen Stirn and now it has reached version 2.0.

With a number of good and interesting features, it can become powerful customer support software. Talking about platforms, don’t worry so much! Why? Because this script can run under several operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD. The features of this script makes many users satisfied. Maybe I can mention some of the features that the script offers: the interface is easy to use; it provides unlimited personalized accounts for staff; there are anti-SPAM checks when submitting a ticket; it has powerful ticket search functions; and there are e-mail notifications of new tickets and replies. In short, you won’t be disappointed with this software. If you want to know more about this software, just feel free to visit There is so much information you will get from this website. Or… maybe you have no more patience to try this script. Just download the script and install it on your server!

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Hiding My Recent Documents

Some of the last files that we opened will be displayed on My Recent Documents menu. The existence of this menu makes it easier to access those files. But we can also hide the menu if we think it's not useful.

Below are some steps to hide My Recent Documents menu:
  1. Click Start - Run.
  2. Type "regedit".
  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  4. On the right window of the Registry Editor, right-click the empty space.
  5. Choose New - DWORD Value.
  6. Type "Start_ShowRecentDocs" and press Enter.
  7. Right-click the new key you've made and choose Modify.
  8. On the Value Data type the number "0" to hide My Recent Documents.
  9. Press OK.
  10. Restart your computer.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

Mailing List Company

Business companies need marketing data from the list companies. Nowadays a great number of big companies and international financial institutions turn to this kind of list companies. The good list companies must be able to provide effective and informative resources, such as for telemarketing list and mortgage mailing list.

The List Company has a large database containing around 14 million US businesses and 300 million US consumers. This company also has experienced staff and analysts who are ready to give the best service. The List Company provides marketing data needed by various companies for telemarketing lists and for other purposes. If you need a free list quote and list recommendation, just call (877) 547-8261.