Jumat, 11 April 2008

Tips for Writing CDs

The following tips can help you avoid errors when writing to CDs. Common errors include interrupting the flow of data to the CD recorder or running out of available disk space for the CD recording process.

When creating a CD, the CD recorder must receive a constant flow of data from the hard disk. If the flow of data is interrupted, the CD continues to spin but the writing laser does not have any information to copy onto the disc. When this happens, the writing process stops and you end up with a useless CD.

You can do the following to maintain a constant flow of data:

  • Try recording at a lower write speed.
  • Close all other programs.
  • Disable any screen savers that might begin during writing.
  • Defragment your hard disk before writing a CD.
  • Make sure that the CD and the CD recorder are clean and dust free.
  • If the CDs from one manufacturer keep failing, try a different brand.

Source: Help and Support Center Windows XP Professional

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